Bill's Sign Photographs - Signs I found interesting
B. P. Roberts Epitaph
In the Key West Cemetery.
Chicken Sign
Sign posted on a yard fence in Key West, Florida.
Interesting name for a funeral home, kind of.
Love Story
Just a funny sign.
Ellensburg Postcard Mural
Mural on a building in Downtown Ellensburg, Washington.
PBR Mural
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer mural on the brick side-wall of the Thunderbird Bar in the Ballard neighborhood – Seattle, Washington.
410 Restaurant
410 Restaurant sign. Historic neon sign refurbished and mounted for display at the Yakima Valley Museum in Yakima, Washington.
Message on a T-shirt
360 Degree View
It’s always a great view from my motorcycle.
Don’t Jump!
Warning sign on Fremont Bridge. Seattle, Washington. Duh.
Bill’s Place
Very good bar and grill in Yakima, Washington. And I like the name.
Seattle Mariners T-shirt
Seattle Mariners t-shirt.
Peanuts Warning
Warning: Contains peanuts!
National Sarcasm Society
Beware warning from New Orleans Police.
Zombie Hunting
Zombie hunting permits.
Clown Motel
World Famous (?) Clown Motel – Tonopah, Nevada.
Barrio Queen
Barrio Queen, an eatery in Gilbert, Arizona. Comida a toda madre – Food to every mother.
Stay Back!
Golf spectator warning.
Bumper Sticker
Too funny.
Old Town Scottsdale
Old Town Scottsdale – Scottsdale, Arizona.
Welcome Old Town – Ledbetter Law
This sign is welcoming visitors to the Old Town section of Cottonwood, Arizona. Before Ledbetter Law, the historic sign sign advertised Shep’s Liquor.
Monument to the Unelected
Phoenix, Arizona, November 2020. 56 signs advertising the presidential campaign of every person who ever ran for president and lost. The signs were made by Nina Katchadouria. The work was commissioned by the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art. (Seriously.)